We know you don’t always have time to watch the Webinars with Wendy on the SURE FOOT Equine YouTube Channel. Many of you would like to listen to the webinar again so we have created audio-only files of some of the webinars that are not as video dependant so you can listen to the webinars in your car, at the barn, or wherever you go.
The Podcast is called Wendys Whinnies. As we get the audiofiles uploaded we will do more blog posts. Here are the first three episodes we think you will enjoy listening to!
Webinars with Wendy: No. 1: Rachel Bellini DVM the SURE FOOT Program in Private and Practice
Webinar No. 3: Robyn Hood, TTouch Trainer and Wendy Murdoch
Webinar No. 5: Wendy Murdoch – using SURE FOOT Pads