Use this Murdoch Minute to lengthen your neck and balance your head. When you ride remember the feeling of being long through your neck and balancing with something on your head and always remember to enjoy the ride!
riding position
Stacy Charland talks about riding with Wendy Murdoch
Stacy Charland has been a student of Wendy’s for over 2 years. She takes lessons on a once/month basis and has attended one clinic in the October 2012. Stacy and her horse Roy have made great improvement in that time. In this short interview Stacy talks about why she rides with Wendy and what she […]
Murdoch Minute No. 58: Find Your Hip Joints
Use this Murdoch Minute to locate your hip joints. Whenever you begin to feel a bit stiff or tense remind yourself of their location so that you let go of excess tension in your seat and legs.