Activate Your Horse’s Core by Narelle C. Stubbs & Hilary M. Clayton
Unmounted Exercises for Dynamic Mobility, Strength & Balance
A step-be-step manual and 95 minute DVD showing exercises that mobilize the joints and engage the muscles used to round and stabilize the horse’s neck, back and pelvis during athletic activities.
These exercises will improve your horse’s:
posture, self-carriage, and balance
flexibility, especially in the neck and back
ability to perform highly-collected movements
The exercises are performed from the ground and do not require sophisticated equestrian skills or special equipment. Improve performance and reduce injuries by strengthening the muscles of your horse’s core.
ABC of the Horse Atlas is a handbook of equine anatomy, biomechanics, and conditioning. The Atlascontains only the extensive anatomical section, a wealth of information on the skeleton, ligaments, and muscles. The Latin and English nomenclature is complemented by unique full colour illustrations which clarify the position and relationships of anatomical structures. The approach of the author throughout is that of a seasoned physical therapist who is deeply worried about the present state of equine care and the lot of horses in general. A great deal of attention is therefore given to the detail and rendering of the drawings. A must have book on the shelf of any dedicated horseman or woman.