We love when our fellow SURE FOOTers take the time to experiment with their horses, jot down their thoughts and send us a note. SURE FOOT is for the horses, and together we can collaborate and explore new ideas to make this program an even bigger success for our equines!
Here’s a note from Jeanne, who purchased her SURE FOOT pads and DVD at the Horse World Expo in Maryland in January. Enjoy!
“My friends, Janet and Robin, and I were there to see you at Timonium, and we each bought a set of pads. You’ve heard from Robin already about her experience with them. I wanted to share the most fascinating parts of Janet’s and my experience. Let me start out by saying we are all thrilled with what we’ve seen thus far.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have to tell you that I think Lusitanos are particularly intelligent (quick to learn) and sensitive — but these two surprised even me! It’s like they knew instantly that these pads would help them.

The most impressive thing to me is the residual effect of the time on the pads … the horses are calmer and more content for weeks afterward. I am the most happy about that.
February 9 update: While trimming Zeke’s feet this afternoon, he was going thru his usual routine of messing with me — pulling his feet away, not standing quietly for very long — just making things more challenging than they needed to be. I have a bad knee so I can’t get completely under the horse to trim holding the foot with one hand while rasping with the other makes things more difficult. So I decided to try the pads for a bit. I put the green ones under his back feet. He would not stand squarely on both at the same time — he cocked one toe for about 2 minutes and then switched to the other. This lasted a total of about 10 minutes at which point he just calmly stepped off them, as if to say that was enough — he was through. So I went back to trimming, and the difference in him was wonderful. His legs/feet were much lighter to hold, and he stood much more quietly. The pads are going to be a part of my routine now before I trim any of the horses — what a gift!
You spoke with my friend Linda a few days ago, and she ordered a set of pads and some other things. The following day I took my pads to show her and we tried them on some of her horses. She has one gelding who has some emotional issues — not as extreme as Fizzle, but he can be challenging all the same. The horse stood so quietly on 4 pads for the longest time, and periodically he reached around to thank me — and at one point I even got a hug. Very touching.
I understand that no one knows why these pads work, but I am most grateful for what they do for the horses. And I’m grateful to you for getting this message out so we all can make things better for these wonderful beings. Thank you.” –Jeanne Bond